Wall Mounted Floating Desks: A Comprehensive Review

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As an expert in the field of interior design and furniture, I have had the privilege of experiencing and evaluating various wall mounted floating desks over the years. In this in-depth review, I will share my knowledge, insights, and recommendations to help you make an informed choice when selecting a wall-mounted floating desk.

Let’s delve into the world of these innovative and space-saving furniture pieces.

Understanding Wall Mounted Floating Desks

What Are Wall Mounted Floating Desks?

Wall-mounted floating desks are versatile furniture solutions designed to save space and provide functional workstations. They are typically attached to the wall, offering a sleek, minimalist appearance, while maximizing floor space. These desks come in various styles, sizes, and materials, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from home offices to bedrooms and even living rooms.

Why Choose a Wall Mounted Floating Desk?

There are several compelling reasons to consider a wall mounted floating desk:

Choosing the Right Wall Mounted Floating Desk

Selecting perfect wall mounted floating desks requires careful consideration of several factors. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Space and Size

Style and Material

Storage Needs

Weight Capacity

In-Depth Reviews of Popular Wall Mounted Floating Desks

Let’s explore some of the top-rated wall-mounted floating desks in the market. Each of these desks offers a unique set of features and design elements, making them stand out in their own right.

1. Prepac Wall Mounted Floating Desk

The Prepac Wall Mounted Floating Desk is a popular choice for those seeking a simple and functional workspace. This desk is known for its compact design and practicality.

2. Haotian Wall-Mounted Drop-Leaf Table

The Haotian Wall-Mounted Drop-Leaf Table is an excellent option if you’re looking for versatility and space-saving functionality.


3. Southern Enterprises Fold-Out Wall Mount Desk

Southern Enterprises SEI Furniture Fold Out Wall Mount Floating Desk

The Southern Enterprises Fold-Out Wall Mount Desk is an innovative and stylish choice for those looking for a unique desk.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Once you’ve selected the perfect wall-mounted floating desk, it’s essential to ensure a secure installation and proper maintenance.



Accessorizing Your Wall Mounted Floating Desk

To create the perfect workspace, consider these accessories:

Installation Safety Tips

Safety is paramount when installing a wall-mounted floating desk:

Cost Considerations

Wall-mounted floating desks come in various price ranges, from budget-friendly to high-end. Factors influencing cost include the material, size, brand, and added features. It’s essential to establish a budget based on your needs and preferences before making a purchase.


Functional Space Saving Computer Desks


  1. Space-Saving: Ideal for small rooms or apartments as they maximize floor space.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Sleek and minimalist design complements modern interiors.
  3. Ergonomic Benefits: Can be mounted at the ideal height for comfortable work.
  4. Versatility: Suitable for various settings and purposes, from home offices to bedrooms.
  5. Cable Management: Conceals cords and cables for a cleaner, more organized look.
  6. Customization: Many options in terms of styles, materials, and sizes to choose from.
  7. Easy to Clean: Minimalist design simplifies cleaning and maintenance.
  8. Organization: Some models come with built-in storage solutions.
  9. Cost-Effective: There are budget-friendly options available.


  1. Limited Weight Capacity: Some models may not support heavy equipment or multiple monitors.
  2. Installation Challenges: Proper installation can be challenging, especially for novices.
  3. Permanent Placement: Once installed, it can be difficult to move or reposition.
  4. Wall Type Dependency: Wall-mounted desks are dependent on the type of wall for stability.
  5. Not Suitable for Heavy Work: Not ideal for heavy-duty tasks or large work setups.
  6. Potential for Clutter: Without proper organization, the desk can appear cluttered.
  7. Restricted Legroom: Floating desks may not provide as much legroom as traditional ones.
  8. Cost Variability: High-end models can be expensive, depending on features and materials.

Consider these pros and cons when deciding if a wall mounted floating desk is the right choice for your space and needs.

In Conclusion

Wall-mounted floating desks are more than just functional furniture; they are design elements that optimize space, enhance aesthetics, and improve organization. Whether you‘re working from home, creating a cozy reading nook, or simply seeking an efficient workspace, a wall mounted floating desk can be the perfect addition to your interior design.

By taking into account the available space, your style preferences, and specific functional requirements, you can discover the ideal wall-mounted floating desk for your needs. Always prioritize safety during installation, and don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance if necessary.

Incorporating a wall mounted floating desk into your living space transforms it into a more organized, efficient, and visually appealing environment. The right desk enhances both your productivity and the overall aesthetic of your room.

I hope this comprehensive wall mounted floating desks review has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on selecting the perfect wall-mounted floating desk. Whether you opt for a budget-friendly model like the Prepac Wall Mounted Floating Desk or choose an innovative design like the Southern Enterprises Fold-Out Wall Mount Desk, you can trust that your choice will be well-informed and tailored to your needs.

With the right wall mounted floating desk, you can create a dedicated and stylish workspace that suits your lifestyle and enhances your daily activities. Here’s to more efficient, organized, and beautiful living spaces with the perfect wall-mounted floating desk!


Q: What are the advantages of a wall mounted floating desk?

Wall-mounted floating desks offer several advantages, including space optimization, aesthetic appeal, ergonomic benefits, versatility, and effective cable management. They are also customizable and easy to clean.

Q: How do I choose the right wall-mounted floating desk for my space?

When selecting a wall-mounted floating desk, consider factors such as available space, style, material, storage needs, and weight capacity. These factors will help you find a desk that suits your specific requirements.

Q: Are wall mounted floating desks difficult to install?

Installation can be challenging for some individuals, as it involves mounting the desk securely to the wall. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and, if needed, seek professional help for proper installation.

Q: Can wall mounted floating desks support heavy equipment like multiple monitors?

The weight capacity of wall mounted floating desks varies from model to model. Some can support heavier equipment, while others are better suited for lighter work. It’s essential to check the specifications and choose accordingly.

Q: Are wall mounted floating desks suitable for a home office setup?

Yes, wall-mounted floating desks are commonly used in home offices. They provide an efficient and stylish workspace, making them a great choice for remote work or study.

Q: Can these desks be used for other purposes besides work or study?

Absolutely. Wall-mounted floating desks can be versatile and serve as vanities, decorative shelves, or even compact dining tables, depending on the design and style.

Q: What should I do for cable management with a wall-mounted floating desk?

Many wall-mounted floating desks come with built-in cable management solutions. Alternatively, you can use cable organizers, clips, or conduits to keep cords and cables tidy and out of sight.

Q: Are there any safety considerations for wall mounted floating desks?

It’s crucial to ensure that the desk is securely mounted and does not exceed its weight capacity. For safety, follow proper installation practices, keep children and pets away from the desk, and conduct regular maintenance checks.

Q: What is the price range for wall mounted floating desks?

Wall-mounted floating desks come in various price ranges. Budget-friendly options are available, but high-end models with unique features can be more expensive. Prices are influenced by factors like material, size, brand, and additional features.

About the Author:

Ken MacKenzie, a seasoned professional with over 40 years of experience in marketing and public relations, has spent the majority of his career working from his home office. Having recently retired, Ken brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field of home office furniture and accessories.

Before establishing Ken MacKenzie Communications in September 1993, Ken served as a Senior Consultant for over five years with International Public Relations Pty Ltd. His extensive career also includes a pivotal role as the Marketing Manager for the United States Department of Commerce, where he contributed his expertise for a period of six years.

In his capacity as Marketing Manager he served as principal adviser to the U.S. Trade Center Director on major U.S. trade event planning and promotion. He was totally responsible for the organization, advertising, promotion and implementation of numerous U.S. Government sposored trade exhibitions and other events covering many different industry groups.

As a Senior Public Relations Consultant, Ken has provided his insights and services to a diverse range of companies. He has successfully managed major projects and worked with renowned clients, including Boral, Monier Roofing, NUS International, MasterFoods, the Jakarta Promotion Board, and the Australian Made Campaign.

Ken’s rich experience equips him with the skills to thoroughly research, strategize, budget, and coordinate cost-effective media marketing and public relations programs for clients. His approach emphasizes the use of appropriate and efficient media channels to reach specific target markets.

Ken has also assembled a dedicated team of professionals, each with their own extensive experience in remote work. This team, under Ken’s guidance, is committed to providing reliable, well-researched information, ensuring that you receive the highest quality insights and recommendations. You can trust Ken MacKenzie and his team to be your go-to source for home office advice and expertise.




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Links on this wall mounted floating desks page are sponsored affiliate links and the owner makes commission if you buy after clicking these links. The owner is not a bona-fide user of these wall mounted floating desk. However, he has thoroughly researched wall mounted floating desk Amazon and provided a personal opinion only. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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